Antique Assessment Fair – Day 1

Estero Historical Society Cottage 9285 Corkscrew Blvd., Estero, FL, United States

Antique Assessment Fair Friday, February 16, 2024How valuable are your antiques and collectibles? Find out! Assessments will be conducted by Richard Gannon, president of Gannon’s Antiques & Art. Each participant […]

Antique Assessment Fair – Day 2

Estero Historical Society Cottage 9285 Corkscrew Blvd., Estero, FL, United States

Antique Assessment Fair February 17, 2024How valuable are your antiques and collectibles? Find out! Assessments will be conducted by Richard Gannon, president of Gannon’s Antiques & Art. Each participant can […]

First Friday on the Deck Rum Tasting

EHS Cottage Deck 9285 Corkscrew Palms Blvd, Estero, FL, United States

Join us for a fun-filled First Friday on the Deck at the Estero Historical Society cottage located in Estero Community Park. Get ready for an amazing in-person event where you […]

Speaker Series: Florida Cults & Communes

Marketplace Title 10600 Chevrolet Way, Suite 130, Estero, FL, United States

Special speakers provide insight into the history and heritage of Estero in our Speaker Series.The presenter is local historian Jacob Winge. Program includes a continental breakfast. Advance registration is needed […]

First Friday on the Deck Wine Tasting

EHS Cottage Deck 9285 Corkscrew Palms Blvd, Estero, FL, United States

Join us for a fun filled First Friday on the Deck at the Estero Historical Society cottage located in Estero Community Park. Get ready for an amazing in-person event where […]

Speaker Series: Colonial & Early American Florida Shipwrecks

Country Creek Country Club 21180 Country Creek Dr, Estero, FL, United States

Special speakers provide insight into the history and heritage of Estero in our Speaker Series .The presenter is local historian Jacob Winge . Program includes a continental breakfast. Advance registration […]

EHS Yard Sale

EHS Cottage Deck 9285 Corkscrew Palms Blvd, Estero, FL, United States

Stop by for some bargains! Saturday, April 20th, 8:00 AM - Noon 9285 Corkscrew Palms Blvd.

First Friday on the Deck: Top Shelf Sipping Tequilas and Appetizers

EHS Cottage Deck 9285 Corkscrew Palms Blvd, Estero, FL, United States

The Estero Historical Society is hosting a “First Friday on the Deck” Fundraiser from 4-6 p.m. Friday, May 3rd, at its headquarters at 9285 Corkscrew Palms Blvd., Estero. Get ready for an amazing […]

Raffle for 2 Yr Lease on a Bronco!

Raffle for a 2 Yr Lease on a Bronco Only selling 300 tickets - $100 each   Estero Historical Society is holding a raffle for a two-year lease on a […]

From time to time, and due to unforeseen circumstances, there may be a change in a program, date or time. When and if this ever occurs, we will do our best to notify everyone via email. The website is the best way to keep up to date, since it is updated frequently.