“Canning at Home”
by Terri “Sunny” Molle LLC
Celia Hill from the IFAS Extension Ag Sciences of the University of Florida, took us step by step through Canning at Home, providing a slide presentation and a hands on canning session in the kitchen of the Cottage. We walked through the step by step vacuum seal process. She emphasized the “Musts” of Canning and showed us the complete process of Boiling Water Canning Procedures. The group was most inquisitive and learned the importance of the “pops”, tapping the lid to ensure that it is sealed properly, and proper home storage methods. A grand time in the Cottage Kitchen making Mango Chutney and getting to know one another a little better.
Those in attendance:
Linda and Jim Biddle, Marlene Fernandez, Sis Newberry, Sunny Molle and Carol B., Megan McShane