For the third year the Historian’s annual “Holiday Lunch” was held at the park at the Hall-Hanson-Collier house. The event for the first time was held on the new deck that we are so proud to have.The two years prior, tables and tents were set up in the parking lot and the band, The “Brooks Brothers” played on the school house porch or on the hot cement.
Our Christmas luncheon was held again this year at the Hall-Hanson-Collier House in the Park. As in the previous year a delicious box lunch from Chic-fil A was served. The music was provided by the Brooks Brothers. We thank Bev MacNellis for her work in arranging all the details for the luncheon. The party raised about $1,255 for the Society.
This year the band and the guests all were on the deck. Food was severed from inside the house. It was a great day to be in our home at the park at last.
Chair for this annual event is Beverly MacNellis.