Capt. Gustave Damkoehler, Estero First Homesteader, is an example of a significant historical figure a student may choose to write about.

Capt. Gustave Damkoehler, Estero First Homesteader, is an example of a significant historical figure a student may choose to write about.

The contest kicked off January 1 and is open to any student living in Estero,  including home-schooled and private school students, who may obtain a copy of the guidelines from the EHS website or contacting: or   239-949-1518.

Winners to be announced at the Ceremony for the 2015 Essay Contest on May 12th at 6:30 p.m. at the Cottage.

The topic of the contest is  to write about a significant historic  figure  who contributed to the SW Florida region, or was a significant influence upon it.  Middle School students are asked to write an essay of 250-500 words.  High school students may write up to 1500 words with all providing the following information:

               1)  Choose an historically significant character from SW Florida

               2)  Tell why you chose that character

               3)  Write a short biography about your choice

               4)  Describe the contributions or significance that person made to the community.

               5)  List your sources.

Your essay must be typed,  double-spaced,  with  1-inch margins and a cover page,  indicating your name, age, school, teacher, and contact number.  Students in  Estero public schools will be able to enter through your respective schools.   Private school or home-schooled students  may  deliver  essays  to the EHS Cottage, located in the Estero Community Park.

DEADLINE for submission to the EHS Cottage was:   March 1,  2015.   

The Cottage is open on M/W/F and Sat.  from  1-3 pm.   If you are unable to deliver your essay, please contact Carolyn Fischer at the above no. or email at least 1 week prior to the deadline.

A bibliography of  notable persons in the history of SW  Florida is available upon request.*   You may also choose to select an “un-named” person,  such as:    Calusa boy or girl of Useppa Island,  Swamp Ape of Everglades City,   a civil war soldier,  etc.,   but the judging will be more intense as to the details of the time and impact on the community.

Finalists  will be judged by a committee representing the EHS,  the Chamber, and the Educational System in Estero.

Cash prizes for the two categories  (middle-school and high school grade students)  are  being provided  by the ESTERO CHAMBER, as follows:    1st prize = $100;  2nd prize = $50;  3rd prize = $25.    Additional prizes of  historical biographies will be presented to each school library and to our Estero Library.   An Award Ceremony will be held the end of March.   It is the goal of the Society to conduct a similar contest each year.   The top 20 Essays may be considered for publication in a Biographical Collection of Essays on Notable SW Floridians.